Thursday, October 21, 2010

sally mann

my freshman year of college i took a series of art studio classes that i can definitively say made a greater impression on my soul than any other class i have ever taken. the midterms/finals were a series of 12-16 page papers on an artist of our choosing, and in my case, sally mann. her photos have a way of evoking sadness, pain, joy and love all at the same time. i love her use of light and dark and the forced maturity of her innocent subjects. the pictures are beautifully inspiring.



Terri said...

These are evocative! Is she the photographer that folks wondered about the ethics of taking photos of her children...I vaguely remember a photographer who raised questions like that, but I can't recall the name.

Ethics aside, these ARE lovely photos.

Sophi said...

I love Sally Mann's stuff. It's really unique, and that's hard to do. Studio art classes are seriously some of the greatest classes you can take. They really change the way you think, and they're one of the few kinds of classes outside of tiny seminars where you can actually get to know your classmates and instructor.